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toast with three wine glasses

Alcohol and Diabetes: Is It Safe?

June 2015

Should alcohol should be off limits with diabetes? Most people with diabetes can have a moderate amount of alcohol. Research has shown that there can…

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bottle caps with opening instructions on several prescription medicine bottles

Child-Resistant Safety Caps Help Keep Kids Safe

April 2015

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each year one of every 150 two-year-olds visits an emergency department in the U.S. for an…

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A doctor speaking to a young girl

Is My Child's Cough Serious?

February 2015

Coughing is very common in normal, healthy children. Children younger than 5 years old often have four or five upper-respiratory infections with a cough every…

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A sick person sitting with a cup of tea at home

Ease Winter Cold Symptoms

October 2014

Nothing (yet) can truly cure a cold, but there are some remedies that might help ease your symptoms and keep you from feeling so miserable.…

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Senior woman tightening shoelaces on her footwear

Preventing Slips and Falls at Home

September 2014

Falls are one of the leading causes of unintentional injuries in the U.S., accounting for approximately 8.9 million visits to the emergency room. The risk…

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